Thursday, May 1, at 4 p.m.
CCE Open Air Studio

The judging process

This year, we’re giving away seven awards: 1. Best Host (or hosts); 2. Best Overall Podcast; 3. Best Production; 4. Most Viral; 5. Crowd Favorite; 6. Most Famous Guest; 7. Most Controversial Topic

We use NPR’s Student Podcast Challenge judging criteria:

  1. Information & Structure

  2. Personality & Creativity

  3. Production Quality

The Best Host is based on the highest score for Personality & Creativity.

The Best Overall Podcast is selected by weighting each score: Information & Structure (40%); Personality & Creativity (40%); Production Quality (20%).

The Best Production award is based on the highest score for Production Quality.

The Most Viral award is given to the student podcast that demonstrates the most social media activity and podcast downloads for a single episode.

The Most Famous Guest award is given to the podcast who had a guest with the highest cumulative number of social media followers on Instagram, TikTok, and/or Twitter/X.

Submissions are open until Monday, March 31, at 11:59 p.m. The awards are open to Quinnipiac University students ONLY, and the podcast needs to have been published between April 2024 and March 2025.